Recent Publications


Dorrity, M. W., Saunders, L. M., Duran, M., Srivatsan, S. R., Barkan, E., Jackson, D. L., ... & Trapnell, C. (2023). Proteostasis governs differential temperature sensitivity across embryonic cell types. Cell, 186(23), 5015-5027.

Saunders, L. M., Srivatsan, S. R., Duran, M., Dorrity, M. W., Ewing, B., Linbo, T. H., ... & Trapnell, C. (2023). Embryo-scale reverse genetics at single-cell resolution. Nature, 1-10.


Kim, E.D.*, Dorrity, M.W.*, Fitzgerald, B.A., Seo, H., Sepuru, K.M., Queitsch, C., Mitsuda, N., Han, S.K. and Torii, K.U., 2022. Dynamic chromatin accessibility deploys heterotypic cis/trans-acting factors driving stomatal cell-fate commitment. Nature Plants, pp.1-14.

Dorrity, M.W., Saunders, L.M., Duran, M., Srivatsan, S.R., Ewing, B., Queitsch, C., Shendure, J., Raible, D., Kimelman, D. and Trapnell, C., 2022. Proteostasis governs differential temperature sensitivity across embryonic cell types. bioRxiv.

Saunders, L.M., Srivatsan, S.R., Duran, M., Dorrity, M.W., Ewing, B., Linbo, T., Shendure, J., Raible, D., Moens, C.B., Kimelman, D. and Trapnell, C., 2022. Deep molecular, cellular and temporal phenotyping of developmental perturbations at whole organism scale. bioRxiv.


Dorrity, M. W., Alexandre, C., Hamm, M., Vigil, A., Fields, S., Queitsch, C., Cuperus, J., 2021. The regulatory landscape of Arabidopsis thaliana roots at single-cell resolution. Nature Communications doi:


Morton, E. A.*, Dorrity, M. W.*, Zhou, W., Fields, S., Queitsch, C., 2020. Transcriptional re-wiring by mutation of the yeast Hsf1 oligomerization domain. bioRxiv doi:

 Dorrity, M. W.*, Saunders, L. M.*, Queitsch, C., Fields, S., & Trapnell, C., 2020. Dimensionality reduction by UMAP to visualize physical and genetic interactions. Nature Communications 11: 1537

Jores, T., Tonnies, J., Dorrity, M. W., Cuperus, J. T., Fields, S., & Queitsch, C. 2020. Identification of plant enhancers and their constituent elements by STARR-seq in tobacco leaves. The Plant Cell. 32:2120-2131.

 Zhou, W., Dorrity, M.W., Bubb, K.L., Queitsch, C., Fields, S., 2020. Binding and regulation of transcription by yeast Ste12 variants to drive mating and invasion phenotypes. Genetics 214.2: 397-407.


Dorrity, M.W., Queitsch, C. and Fields, S., 2019. High-throughput identification of dominant negative polypeptides in yeast. Nature Methods 16:413.

 Jean-Baptiste, K., McFaline-Figueroa, J.L., Alexandre, C.M., Dorrity, M.W., Saunders, L., Bubb, K.L., Trapnell, C., Fields, S., Queitsch, C., Cuperus, J.T., 2019. Dynamics of Gene Expression in Single Root Cells of Arabidopsis thaliana. The Plant Cell 31: 993-1011.



Dorrity, M.W., Cuperus, J.T., Carlisle, J.A., Fields, S. and Queitsch, C., 2018. Preferences in a trait decision determined by transcription factor variants. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences115:E7997-E8006.

 Maher, K.A., Bajic, M., Kajala, K., Reynoso, M., Pauluzzi, G., West, D.A., Zumstein, K., Woodhouse, M., Bubb, K., Dorrity, M.W. and Queitsch, C., 2018. Profiling of accessible chromatin regions across multiple plant species and cell types reveals common gene regulatory principles and new control modules. The Plant Cell30:15-36.



Alexandre, C.M., Urton, J.R., Jean-Baptiste, K., Huddleston, J., Dorrity, M.W., Cuperus, J.T., Sullivan, A.M., Bemm, F., Jolic, D., Arsovski, A.A. Thompson, A., and Queitsch, C. 2017. Complex relationships between chromatin accessibility, sequence divergence, and gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Biology and Evolution35:837-854.


Ron, M., Dorrity M.W., de Lucas, M., Toal ,T., Hernandez ,R.I., Little, S.A., Maloof, J.N., Kliebenstein, D.J., and Brady, S.M. 2013. Identification of novel loci regulating interspecific variation in root morphology and cellular development in tomato. Plant Physiology 162:755-768.